Women in Sales

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut vulputate diam, sed iaculis quam. Nulla maximus nulla et eros fringilla, euismod suscipit mauris tincidunt. Vivamus ornare suscipit lorem, vel ultricies ex imperdiet elementum. Quisque at egestas nisi. Phasellus vulputate, libero eget egestas convallis, erat felis consequat elit, at tempor leo nunc eu ante. Duis sed velit nec sem sodales dignissim nec eleifend ipsum. Pellentesque non purus non ligula volutpat lacinia. Donec fringilla elit eu porttitor ultricies. Integer et euismod nunc. In eget lacus augue.

New Name = The WomenPreneurs

We bought thewomenpreneurs.com because womenpreneurs.com is not available. Don’t you just hate it when people squat on a URL for no reason. That’s okay we are moving on and moving on strong..   This doesn’t mean that we are leaving Boston or not going to create content about awesome women entrepreneurs here. We just want to be able to share the ...

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Boston WomenPreneurs Partners with Women2.0 for Founder Friday BOSTON!

Our goal here at Boston WomenPreneurs is to create an over-arching social network (not FaceBook, unlike LinkedIn, not Twitter, not any of those) that will be specific to women entrepreneurs. This online and offline community will allow women entrepreneurs to socialize and learn in a way that will help to create more businesses and startups. This goal is one that ...

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Why You Should Attend the First Official Boston WomenPreneurs Event!

Boston WomenPreneurs was created for women entrepreneurs here in the Boston and Cambridge area. The premise and basis for creating this showcase online forum of amazing women creating startups and working for startups was so we TOGETHER could create a community of women who are working towards making influential changes in our economy. Women who are motivated, women who are ...

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Is Boston on Track to Lose Top Fashion and Artistic Talent to New York City?

What is Boston doing to keep top non-tech talent here in Boston and Cambridge? What are we doing wrong to lose WomenPreneurs to NYC!?!? My sister, Lauren has always been the creative type. She didn’t have to work as hard as I did for an A in History, but her passion has always been on the artistic side. She liked art class ...

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Sales Coaching: Example of How to Leave a Voicemail that Will Get Noticed

Each day as an inside sales rep you have certain “things” that you could do to optimize your chance of someone answering, someone calling you back or someone emailing you back that somehow found interest in what you said. I really do think of prospecting as a game. BUT- there are ways for you to optmize your chance of the calls that ...

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Timing In Outbound Sales: It’s either Timely or it Isn’t

If you are in an outbound sales job where you are dialing daily to find prospects that could have potential need for your products or services you need to think about timing. Timing in your role is everything. Why? 1. If you reach someone at the right time they will be more likely to want to meet with you. Reaching ...

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5 Tips for Staying motivated and Hitting Your Monthly Sales Quota

So I have been thinking a lot about how to keep motivated lately. Being in sales is fun. You own your own career completley. Tips on how to stay motivated throughout the whole month: 1. You never know what is going to happen. Just the other day I had a one call close. It can happen! Don’t slow down because ...

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A Reminder for Women, Not Just Young Girls Who Play with Barbie: YOU CAN BE ANYTHING

You have probably already seen this video from a Barbie advertisement. But, if you have not watch this and then tell me what you think about it! I love this video. I saw it over the weekend and almost cried. Ya, I know I am an emotional person especially when it has to do with us becoming more correct in the way ...

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